Thursday, January 31, 2008


1 byte=8 bit
1 kilobyte=1000bytes
1 megabyte=1000kilobytes
1 gigabyte=1000megabytes
1 terabyte=1000gigabytes

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Hey people you need this 3rd wings i know how to make one

just follow these instructions:

for condor feather
1st you put these items in the regular
combination:30s,30bless,1chaos,1creation,1ancient item+good opt

if this succeeds you will get a condor feather

for 3rd wing
1st you put these items in the regular
combination:30s,30bless,1chaos,1creation,1excellent item+good opt,2nd wing+good
opt,condor feather.

if this succeeds whatever 2nd wing you put in the combination you will
get the 3rd wing of that 2nd wing